Agricultural Meteorology in Ireland

A history of Agricultural Meteorology in Ireland from the perspective of Met Éireann has recently been published in the Journal of Biological Rhythm Research The full paper is available by contacting the AGMET Group. Abstract Ireland has a temperate climate influenced by the Atlantic Gulf Stream. This, combined with fertile soils and adequate rainfall, provides an environment ideally suited for grass. Grass is an inexpensive, nutritious feed for livestock, giving Ireland a competitive a...

Tom Keane AGMET Lecture Series

Launch of the Tom Keane Lecture Series A full house were in attendance at the launch of the Tom Keane AGMET Lecture Series. An event jointly organised by the AGMET Group, The Irish Meteorological Society (IMS) and our friends at the National Botanic Gardens. The ultimate aim is to build up an archive of high profile speakers in the area of agriculture and meteorology, to continue Tom’s legacy of educating and developing the agrometeorology community in Ireland. The evening started with an ex...

The Inaugural Tom Keane AGMET Lecture

The Tom Keane AGMET Lecture Series This free event, organised jointly by the AGMET Group and the Irish Meteorological Society, is to launch the Tom Keane AGMET Lecture Series. Tom, who sadly passed away last year, was a founder of the AGMET Group in 1984. The ongoing Tom Keane lecture series is an attempt to commemorate Tom’s influence on Irish agrometeorology and his passion for education. The Inaugural Tom Keane Lecture will be given by Met Éireann’s Head of Forecast Division, Gerald Flemi...

Agricultural Meteorology Conference Session

The European Meteorological Society (EMS) annual conference is coming to Ireland this September. The European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology will run from the 4th – 8th September 2017 in Dublin. The conference already has over 800 presenters this year from all related sectors. This year there is a dedicated session on Agricultural Meteorology. Attendance, as well as presenting is open to all (conference fee applies). Ireland's agricultural sector is well recognised and res...

Goodbye to our founder Tom Keane

It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to AGMET's founder Mr. Tom Keane who recently passed away. Tom, along with colleagues, founded The Joint Working Group on Applied Agricultural Meteorology (AGMET) in 1984. His outstanding long-term contribution to agrometeorology, both in Ireland and internationally earned him the Bourke Silver Medal. Tom began his career in the Irish Meteorological Service with spells at Dublin Airport and Valentia Observatory. Later after graduating from U...

New AGMET website

Welcome to the new AGMET website! Every leap year for the last 28 years the Joint Working Group on Applied Agricultural Meteorology (AGMET) traditionally holds an event on or near the 29th February. This February we are relaunching our website as our leap year event. Our aim is to bring together relevant Irish agricultural meteorology related material from multiple sources into the one place. This website will hopefully allow for greater more frequent interaction within our diverse community...

Crop Yield Forecasts

The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) has developed and runs a crop yield forecasting system which provides timely forecasts of crop production for Europe. The MARS Crop Yield Forecasting System monitors crop vegetation growth, including the short-term effects of meteorological events on crop production. It also provides seasonal yield forecasts of key European crops, thereby contributing to the evaluation of global production estimates. Overview of JRC Crop Yield Forecasting Sy...