Agricultural Meteorology in Ireland

A history of Agricultural Meteorology in Ireland from the perspective of Met Éireann has recently been published in the Journal of Biological Rhythm Research

The full paper is available by contacting the AGMET Group.


Ireland has a temperate climate influenced by the Atlantic Gulf Stream. This, combined with fertile soils and adequate rainfall, provides an environment ideally suited for grass. Grass is an inexpensive, nutritious feed for livestock, giving Ireland a competitive advantage in this sector. Tillage farming is also an important sector for Ireland, and evidence of the Great Irish Famine of the mid-eighteen hundreds is still visible in the landscape. In this paper, we examine aspects of meteorological involvement in Irish agriculture, from the perspective of the Irish Meteorological Service. We examine the rise of agrometeorology in Ireland and take a look at the development of related services, including potato blight warnings. Two influential characters of Irish agrometeorological history, Austin Bourke and Tom Keane, are examined, as well as organisations such as the AGMET Group. The paper concludes with a brief snapshot of current Irish agrometeorological activities along with future ambitions.

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