Here is just some of the research projects currently under way by the agricultural meteorology community in Ireland:
Project Name: PrecisionGrazing – Modelling for increased grazing management precision on Irish grassland farms
Project Aim: To develop a Grass Growth Predictor, a Grass Quality Predictor and a Grass Intake Animal Performance model to facilitate the development of a DSS for grass based feed systems, to increase grass utilisation on Irish farms, thereby increasing farm profitability, milk and meat output.
Partner Organisations: Met Éireann, CIT, Maynooth University
Work packages related to weather: Development, evaluation and application of a Grass Growth Predictor model; Development of a Decision Support System for grass based feed systems
Their aims: Examine weather forecast data to identify potential bias and develop bias correction methods; incorporate weather forecast data into a grass growth model and a grassland management decision support tool.
Project contact: Deirdre Hennessy, Teagasc Moorepark
Project Name: Next Generation Milk Production Forecasting
Project Aim: To develop milk forecasting models using exogenous data sources
Partner Organisations: CIT & Teagasc
Work packages related to weather: Using weather data to aid in milk production forecasting.
Their aims: Quantify the effect of weather forecasting on milk forecasting accuracy.
Project contact: Michael D Murphy, CIT
Project Name: Water Modelling on Irish Dairies
Project Aim: To develop water simulation models for dairy farms
Partner Organisations: CIT & Teagasc
Work packages related to weather: Using weather data in water consumption models.
Their aims: Quantify the effect of weather variables on water consumption on pasture based systems.
Project contact: Michael D Murphy, CIT
Project Name: Precision Energy Management on Irish Dairies
Project Aim: Holistic energy simulation for Irish Dairy farms
Partner Organisations: CIT & Teagasc
Work packages related to weather: Using weather data to simulate PW wind and heat pump power outputs.
Their aims: To improve energy consumption profile and prediction.
Project contact: Michael D Murphy, CIT
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