Silver Medal

The Austin Bourke Silver Medal is awarded by AGMET for long-term outstanding contributions to the area of agricultural meteorology.

The Inaugural Medal, 2004
The inaugural medal was presented to the late Mrs. Austin Bourke in 2004 at the Royal Irish Academy by Declan Murphy, Director of Met Éireann.

The Inaugural Medal
Mr. Declan Murphy and Mrs. Austin Bourke









The First Silver Medal, 2006
The first silver medal was presented to Tom Keane (retired, Met Éireann) by Kees Stigter, in March 2006. The medal was awarded for Tom’s outstanding long-term contribution to agrometeorology, both in Ireland and internationally.

1st Medal
Tom Keane & Kees Stigter, 2006









The Second Silver Medal, 2008
The second silver medal was presented to Anthony Brereton (retired, Teagasc and UCD) by Tom Keane, in February 2008. The medal was awarded for Anthony’s outstanding long-term contribution to the science of grassland management particularly with regard to agrometeorological modelling, both in Ireland and internationally.

2nd Medal
Tom Keane & Anthony Brereton








The Third Silver Medal, 2012
The third silver medal was awarded to Dr. Jim Collins on 29 February 2012 at the conference – Agrometeorology 2012 – Science and Practice. Dr. Jim Collins was a prime initiator and founding member of AGMET and was its treasurer for some 20 years. Jim contributed widely to many of AGMET’s publications over several decades has fostered his teaching and enthusiasm among students in the study of weather and climate. Now retired from UCD’s College of Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Science, Jim continues to be active in the area. His work, Quickening the Earth – Soil Minding and Mending in Ireland, has brought a knowledge of a lifetime under one cover for the benefit of generations of agriculturist to come.

3rd Medal
From left to right: Prof. Jimmy Burke, Tom Keane, Dr. Jim Collins, Prof. Christoph Mueller, Dr. Thomas Cummins, Prof. John Sweeney, Gerry Murphy