MÉRA is a climate reanalysis dataset recently released by Met Éireann. It covers Ireland and the UK over a 35 year period. This dataset is likely to prove a valuable resource to the agrometeorology community in Ireland.
Our friends in Met Éireann will be holding a MÉRA workshop in May. Further details are below.
We hope to see you there.
Dear users of the MÉRA dataset,
We would like to invite you to a MÉRA users workshop on Thursday May 17th 2018 in DCU Alpha (next door to Met Éireann, Glasnevin). This workshop will consist of presentations by a selection of users and an open discussion session where feedback, potential uses and future collaborations and plans will be discussed.
Call for oral and poster presentations:
If you would like to present (oral or poster) at this workshop, please submit a short (1 paragraph) abstract to mera@met.ie by February 15th 2018.
The organising committee will review the abstracts and inform the successful authors during February.
Workshop registration:
Contact mera@met.ie for details
We would be grateful if you could pass on this notice to anyone you know who uses the MÉRA dataset, particularly if you have shared the data with them.
Looking forward to seeing you at the workshop.
Best wishes,
Emily Gleeson, Eoin Whelan