Event: Met Society Field Trip to Ballyhaise Agricultural College

The Irish Meteorological Society hare holding a Field Trip to Ballyhaise Agricultural College and Met Station on Saturday 19th of May.

The weather promises to be fine and the day offers a very pleasant trip through the beautiful scenery of Ireland’s Lakeland, with an excellent programme of talks and sights at Ballyhaise.

To register for the event and for more information see irishmetsociety.org



09:00 am Pick up at The Custom House Quay – Morton’s Coaches
09:20 am Pick up at Met Éireann HQ, Glasnevin – Morton’s Coaches
11:00 am Morning Tea/Coffee & Scones at Cavan Crystal Hotel
11:30 am Depart Cavan Crystal Hotel
12:00 noon Arrive at Teagasc Ballyhaise Agricultural College, Ballyhaise, Co. Cavan.
12:10 – 12:30 John Kelly, College Principal – Welcome Address and introduction to the House

John Doherty, Farm Foreman, and John Kelly, College Principal, will speak about the college history with a focus on the cold snap of 2010 and its impact on managing the college.

12:30 – 13:00 Patrick Kelly, Dairy Farmer from Donegal who has been recording rainfall readings for Met Éireann since the late 1990s, will talk about his observations regarding rainfall on his farm and how it influences his decision making.
13:00 – 14:00 Picnic Lunch
14:00 – 15:00 Donal Patton, Lead Dairy Researcher at Ballyhaise,, will take the group on a field walk and talk about the effects of weather on the grassland that he manages. Areas that may be interesting is the grass growth comparison with other Teagasc sites to the south and how the weather affects the sites differently, also how flooding affects the pasture sward.
15:00 – 15:15 Marianne Lyons, Forestry Teacher, will take the group to the Phenology Plot and provide information relating to the phenology project which is ongoing at the college
15:15 – 16:00 Paul Halton will provide a guided tour of the TUSCON Automatic Weather Station
16:00 – 16:30 Free time to relax
16:30 pm Depart Ballyhaise College
18:00 pm Arrive back at Met Éireann, Glasnevin
18:30 pm Arrive back at The Custom House Quay, Dublin.